There are two things that happened on my way home tonight that just made me chuckle. Had to share them...
First off, as I was sitting at the drive-thru window at Taco Bell, I looked inside, only to see a young man in an Arby's apron getting his order. Arby's dines at Taco Bell...hmmmmm....
Second, shortly before I pulled into the driveway, the radio announcer was giving the evening weather forecast...'mostly cloudy over most of the Wasatch Front'. Didn't think anything more of it, until I got home and started climbing out of my car...and noticed the stars, just above the mountains. So then I started looking more and more stars. Not a damn cloud in the sky. I just shook my head and smiled.
And all of this, after the TD at the Egyptian said he was going to try and get me a (relatively sizable) raise. It's fair, to me...they're still actually getting a bargain. I mean, the last three times they've called me, it's been to use my services as a scenic artist. There's not a lot of those in the state. And it's a skill (at this point, perhaps the only skill) that isn't in their 'talent pool' of staff personnel (well, that's assuming that Phil actually has some official affiliation with them, since he's been dredging out their costume storage!) I love being able to help out wherever needed...but it's so much more gratifying to be able to do something nobody else there can.
Made my night, really...I find it very easy to keep helping out people who let me know they appreciate my help...but 'Thank You' combined with a sizable paycheck says it so much more effectively than just 'Thank You.'