Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So, I've been away for a while...

I was going to write this rant about the so-called economic stimulus and how the only thing it's managed to stimulate on me is my ever-increasing irritation with Washington politics...but after two starts at it, I could only feel myself getting more and more annoyed and irritable, and I don't want that. Suffice it to say, in economic terms, I'm kinda like most of 'Main Street USA'...hanging on by my fingernails and hoping something turns a corner before my creditors lose patience with me completely.

But life isn't all bad. After two years of getting by in a $200 Chevy Beretta, I upgraded...kind of. I'm now in a $500 Chevy S10 Blazer (that I had to spend another $1000 to get road-worthy...damn emissions systems...) For those who wonder why in the world I went with a vehicle that required so much work...well, first I have to say that when I bought it, I didn't know it would need that much work. Even the mechanic didn't realize it was going to need that much work, until I'd gone through the emissions system and basically replaced everything except the manifold and exhaust pipe. Second, I have to point out that this is my third such vehicle...I like them. They run and run and run and keep running even after logic dictates they should be dead (they don't run well, at that point...but they run!) This one only has 138k miles on it...the last one I had was pushing 300k when it finally died (due, in large part, to my neglect, or it would easily have made that milestone). So, with a little care on my part, I shouldn't be looking for another car for a LONG time. (I still have the Beretta...if I can get caught up enough to start worrying about it again, I want to have a mechanic take a look and see if the problems on it are a bunch of little things, or if it's something really serious...because if it's little stuff, I'll fix it. It may only be a $200 car, but it still gets better mileage than the Blazer...)

I have my first 'legitimate' theatrical costume design gig. Some friends of mine are starting up a new theater company in Salt Lake City...Dark Horse Company Theater...and their inaugural show is 'Best Little Whorehouse in Texas'. Now, before you roll your eyes at this, thinking of Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds, I've got to point out that the film (which I watched...and hated) was loosely based on the play (which is actually quite intriguing, and given the way politicians have recently taken to the mass media with a hue and cry to scare their constituents into supporting them, quite relevant), and actually took one of the stage plays sub-plots for one of its main plotlines (the relationship between Mona and the Sheriff is a secondary thing to the stage play, at best...) It's a big responsibility, trying to come up with costumes for a cast of 20+ people on a budget of about $22/person (luckily, we've got a lot of costume rental agreements with other theaters in the area, in exchange for ad space in the programs). I'm feeling good about where it's going, and I'm sure it'll all come together...but there are a few points that have me on the verge of chewing my fingernails. It's not helped any by the fact that a bunch of the costume items that I'd love to have access to are at the park, sitting idle, collecting dust and cobwebs and other less appetizing vermin by-products, and I can't use them for the show.

I'm also taking my first foray into feature's an independent film written with big studio sensibilities (as in, it's not one of those brooding little looks at the dark side of life, but is, in fact, a story that has a chance at a broad market appeal)...a superhero movie, of sorts. If you want more details, take a look at (no, not the name of the film, just the name of the group putting it together.) I'm designing costumes for that, well as helping some with script development. I hope the timing works out so that I can actually be on-set for the filming, or at least most of it...a lot of that will depend on what's happening at the park for the Halloween season and how much they're going to need me there. But it's definitely the most elaborate design project I've ever had...I don't even have anything beyond sketches thus far, and I've already put in about 90 hours on this project...but when it comes time to start buying stuff, I know EXACTLY what I want to get and between me and the concept artist, I'll know exactly what needs to be done to it. We're supposed to start shooting this fall...I don't think we're behind on our timetable yet, although we have already run into some unexpected costs and changes in plan (hmmmm...nobody in Utah has a Lamborghini Gallardo they're willing to rent to a film production? Imagine that...)

I've got the best all-around crew I've had at the park, ever...I have had some years where I had an assistant that was more skilled than the crew I've got now...but I've never had TWO skilled, reliable, motivated, ambitious assistants before...or, at least, not that were available as much as these two have been. If I ever follow through on my plans to start my own design firm (which I might do for the film, just because the chance to get the name out with such a project is pretty much an opportunity that should not be passed up), I already have a list of people I want to have working with me (either as employees or as contracted help)...and both of these ladies are on it. (Thanks, Kevin, for your recommendation...we'd already decided to hire Amber before you wrote, but it did a lot for my peace of mind to know that she'd made such an impression on you!)

So, while some aspects of life seem to be taking perverse glee in kicking me while I'm down, I feel like the pendulum is poised to start swinging back the other way again...and I'm really excited to see where it's going to end up.


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