Thursday, March 02, 2006


I've just gotta say it, right off the bat...I am utterly appalled that our state legislature found it more important to ban smoking in PRIVATE clubs than to pass legislation giving us a tax break. Thanks, guys, nice to know you're looking out for my well-being...never mind the fact that I can't AFFORD to go to the clubs because I'm paying taxes.

I suppose I should be grateful, they did show at least SOME common sense and decency. They didn't pass the legislation to ban gay/lesbian clubs in high schools. They did, FINALLY, pass some kind of hate-crime legislation (don't know if it's actually got any teeth to it...but it's a step in the right direction!) If I hear ONE legislator complain about being called into special session (Hunstman is talking about one, to get the tax legislation squared away), I'm gonna slap somebody. We, the normal, working folk they are supposed to represent, don't get to say, "Y'know, I didn't finish all my work, but my shift is over. Someone else worry about it." Nope. We get to go back to work and get the thing finished (or, in some cases, we don't leave work until it's finished, which seems more logical to me!)

In other news (there's always other news, you ever notice that?)--

One of my favorite things to do is coming up. I got involved with Layton High School's drama program last year...they were doing a production of 'Beauty and the Beast' and needed someone to do prosthetics for the Beast. I love working with these kids...there's enough support for the program that they are able to do REALLY elaborate shows (among their recent productions was Les Mis...this year's big show is Aida...), and they've got enough of a reputation that there are kids that are transferring high schools just to be in their program (one kid is driving from somewhere in Ogden to Layton on a daily basis, solely on the basis of the theater program).

I'm not that heavily involved in this year's show...they just wanted to put some temporary tattoos on a couple of the characters--but I've done that before. So I get to make a couple of stencils for the tattoos. But the thing I love about it is just working with these kids. It was really a breath of fresh air last year...they don't act like they're entitled to anything, they love what they're doing, they're excited about it, and it's still new enough to them that they haven't become jaded. It really was a pleasure, and every time I get a chance to go back there, I get that rush of exhilaration all over again.

So even though I'm only going to be working with them for all of maybe four nights out of the entire dress-rehearsal and performance process, I'm excited for it.

Closing note for the night--While channel surfing tonight, I stumbled across 'Skating with the Stars'. I've heard about this, actually pretty much avoided it (I'm also one of the few people that apparently doesn't care about American Idol...). But when I was flipping past, they were showing Kristy Swanson skating...

Now, I'll admit it. I've had sort of a crush on Kristy ever since I saw the original 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' She hasn't had a huge career, but I've enjoyed everything I ever saw her do. Including this.

She wasn't a fantastic figure skater. But she was good. And you could tell she'd worked long and hard at getting there. I'm even more impressed.

Maybe I'll watch 'Buffy' again tonight...


Blogger F.G. Shaw said...

no Curtis, you aren't the only one who doesn't care about american idol... i've only ever watched five minutes, several years ago when it first started to air, and that was more than enough.

2:51 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Who's the teacher at Layton?

9:46 AM  
Blogger Curtis said...

It's Dennis Ferrin...if you remember Emily Ferrin (that's going back a few years, I know), she's his daughter.

He apparently used to work back in NYC, before deciding on a quiet life as a teacher in Utah. I don't know what it is...there's just something about designers named Dennis, they love to do really big, grandiose projects...

11:53 AM  

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