Sunday, September 09, 2007

Long time, no see...

Hello again, my fellow Bitchcakers! Been away from the site for a while, but I felt the need to drop in and say hi...and to voice my opinion, as so often I do, on a news item that I saw today...

So, apparently, presidential hopeful Senator Joe Biden has already decided, regardless of what the report from General Petraeus on the Iraq situation may be, that he's going to continue with his determined course of action. He may have just lost any hope he had of getting my vote.

The reason (well, one of the reasons) we've been wading through the shitstorm in Iraq is because the politicians thought they understood better than the military what the situation called for. That was also one of the greatest shortcomings of the Vietnam policy, historians generally agree. Where does Sen. Biden feel he's gained the expertise to analyze the military situation? Has he somewhere along the line spent time in command of a large force of troops, having to determine the best tactical and strategic options?

I agree that the situation is ugly, and I don't see any graceful departure point for us. But I think, when it comes to military situations, we need to have the politicians stop second-guessing the military. At the very least, give them the opportunity to present their arguments before blindly declaring that you think they're wrong. With this uninformed gainsaying of a statement he hasn't even heard yet, Biden's shown himself to be little more than the other side of G.W. Bush's coin...the same metal, with a different imprint. Thanks, but no thanks...

And I promise, I'm going to try and be more dedicated to getting regular entries on here! Later, all...