I Never Write This Much Anymore...
Wow...Four nights in a row. Now, if I could just figure out how to summon up this kind of enthusiasm for one of my novels, or for revising one of my plays...ANYTHING that would actually have a truly practical purpose (after all, I can't really submit a blog to a publisher, now, can I? I mean, it's already being published, why would they want to print it and pay me?)
On politics--this will be brief, as politics and politicians both disgust me. I'm not sure which is more disturbing to me...the fact that my government lies to me on a regular basis, or the fact that I'm so tired of it I can't even bring myself to be outraged anymore. An old friend of mine said something that I agree with wholeheartedly--"Anyone who WANTS to be in authority should automatically be disqualified for the position." I just can't bring myself to see any of them in a charitable light...I suppose they're a necessary evil, but I have yet to meet anyone who works in politics that doesn't do it for their own agenda, as opposed to the altruistic facade they put on for the voters. It's all a crock. This is one of the few areas in life where I truly feel jaded...and have since I was old enough to understand what was going on. Doesn't matter which party they represent, what level of government they're working in, they're all full of shit. (Apologies to the fraction of a percentage point of politicians out there who actually did get into politics to make a difference, as opposed to fleecing the public--there's a reason the Founding Fathers set up Congressional sessions the way they did; it was so Congressmen could go home and WORK at a real job instead of leeching the public fund for a monthly stipend larger than some successful corporate profit margins!)
Okay, rant over. On a lighter note, my brother sent this to me a couple of days ago...I'm sure some (if not all) of you will get a kick out of it.

Yes, my family does have a warped sense of humor...
Wow...Four nights in a row. Now, if I could just figure out how to summon up this kind of enthusiasm for one of my novels, or for revising one of my plays...ANYTHING that would actually have a truly practical purpose (after all, I can't really submit a blog to a publisher, now, can I? I mean, it's already being published, why would they want to print it and pay me?)
On politics--this will be brief, as politics and politicians both disgust me. I'm not sure which is more disturbing to me...the fact that my government lies to me on a regular basis, or the fact that I'm so tired of it I can't even bring myself to be outraged anymore. An old friend of mine said something that I agree with wholeheartedly--"Anyone who WANTS to be in authority should automatically be disqualified for the position." I just can't bring myself to see any of them in a charitable light...I suppose they're a necessary evil, but I have yet to meet anyone who works in politics that doesn't do it for their own agenda, as opposed to the altruistic facade they put on for the voters. It's all a crock. This is one of the few areas in life where I truly feel jaded...and have since I was old enough to understand what was going on. Doesn't matter which party they represent, what level of government they're working in, they're all full of shit. (Apologies to the fraction of a percentage point of politicians out there who actually did get into politics to make a difference, as opposed to fleecing the public--there's a reason the Founding Fathers set up Congressional sessions the way they did; it was so Congressmen could go home and WORK at a real job instead of leeching the public fund for a monthly stipend larger than some successful corporate profit margins!)
Okay, rant over. On a lighter note, my brother sent this to me a couple of days ago...I'm sure some (if not all) of you will get a kick out of it.
Can You Spot the Mormon?
It might be a little tricky, but if you look carefully, you should be able to find her...

Yes, my family does have a warped sense of humor...
I like what your friend says about politicians. That seems to be the core of the problem, doesn't it?
Enjoying your thoughts. Mine are all over the place and I've found this blog stuff to be a great way to express it. Some are angry and I guess I apologize a bit for that but, well, there you are... they're my real thoughts.
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